Dari Sejarah Lisan Hingga Warisan Ingatan – Kompilasi Artikel-artikel (Kajian) Gloria Truly Estrelita Terkait Kejahatan Atas Kemanusiaan 1965-1966

people | memories | testimonies

WHY I WORK WITH ORAL SOURCES – oralmemories.hypotheses

A CAMP IN KEMARAU ISLAND – oralmemories.hypotheses

Menapaki Jejak Kekerasan di Pulau Kemaro [Islam Bergerak]

“Kebanyakan, kematian itu karena lapar, (kecuali) yang penyiksaan itu, pada waktu, itu apa namanya apa tuh Oktober Pembalasan, yaitu malam 30 September, malam tanggal 29 September, malam tanggal 30 September, malam tanggal 1 Oktober, 3 malam berturut-turut. itu pembunuhan massal.

“Pada waktu mulai jam 11 malam, lampu dimatikan, kemudian salah seorang petugas itu membuka pintu, dipanggil, si anu keluar. Gak masuk lagi. Si anu keluar, gak masuk lagi. Sampai jam 2 malam…Rupanya, waktu siang tanggal 28 itu didaftarkan seluruh (penghuni) barak itu. Waktu itu, kalau gak salah kami lebih kurang mungkin 200 lebih. Sekitar 260 atau 270. Didaftar, rupanya yang dipanggil ini yang dari anggota PKI dan Pemuda Rakyat… Nah, sudah malam ketiga mulai lagi pemanggilan.”


PULAU BURU: ANTARA STIGMA DAN REALITAS –  Suara Pembaruan, 21 Oktober 2009

Estrelita, Gloria Truly. “Pendekatan humanis gereja Katolik pada tahanan politik terduga komunis pasca 1965 “. The Conversation, 18 May 2021.

The Catholic Priests, the Political Prisoners, and the Military: History of a New Religio-Political Chessboard in Indonesia by Gloria Truly Estrelita1

Asian Studies, The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), Jun 2022, Volume 1, p.146 – 152

In Indonesia, the regime New Order under General Suharto emerged in 1965 as an anti-communist act, who later organized a vast and diversified prison network all over the Archipelago to incarcerate those accused of being communists. Facing massive arrests, the Indonesian Cardinal and several clergymen of the Society of Jesus developed a humanitarian aid called “Cardinal’s Social Program” to support the political prisoners. While providing help to political prisoners, but on the other hand making compromises with the political power, the Catholic Hierarchy has given the impression of an ambiguous relationship with the dominant group. The ambiguity of their official standing, religious discourses and acts has led us to question the Catholic Church’s attitude: was it to support human rights as mentioned in the Vatican II or was it a way to gain political power? Moreover, this paper asks: what are, in the particular aspect, that composed the program? Additionally, this paper questions the extent to which the Cardinal’s Social Program was emblematic of the evolution of religio-political issues in Indonesia to understand its current debate. This study examines the Indonesian Catholic Church’s archives and documents found in Indonesia and Europe. At the same time, this study exploits oral sources from first-person testimony.

rekaman webinar disini

Survivors’ Stories: Memory of the 1965 Indonesian Tragedy in the Virtual Space -Gloria Truly Estrelita  -Doctorante (EHESS – Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE) politika.io

Estrelita, Gloria Truly. “Agar Terekam dan Tak Pernah Mati: Membawa Ingatan ’65 ke Ruang Virtual”. The Conversation, 28 September 2021.  

Generasi muda tumpuan baru untuk urai benang kusut Peristiwa ‘65 –
The Conversation Indonesia

Selama lebih dari lima dekade, tragedi berdarah yang menyebabkan banyak orang dibunuh, dipenjara, dan diasingkan tanpa melalui keputusan pengadilan atas dugaan keterlibatan mereka dengan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) belum juga mendapatkan titik terang. Berbagai dokumen dan riset menunjukkan jumlah korbannya bervariasi dari ratusan ribu hingga jutaan. Penyintas dan keluarga yang harus menderita karena kehilangan anggota keluarga mereka atau harus berpisah secara paksa masih menunggu keadilan yang tidak kunjung datang. Di episode podcast SuarAkademia kali ini, kami ngobrol bersama Gloria Truly Estrelita, seorang mahasiswa doktoral dari pusat studi kajian Asia Tenggara di EHESS, Paris. Ia meneliti Peristiwa 1965 untuk disertasinya, dan mencoba membicarakan tentang upaya apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mendorong terwujudnya resolusi dan rekonsiliasi.

TOWARDS A REGENERATION OF POPULAR AND SOCIAL THOUGHT ? – Gloria Truly Estrelita @http://www.gis-reseau-asie.org/

Gambar Sebagai Medium Pengadilan Rakyat Sipil atas Kejahatan Kemanusiaan : Sebuah Ulasan

presentasi Gloria Truly Estrelita dimulai pada menit ke 4

Penyebaran Hate Crime oleh negara terhadap lembaga kebudayaan rakyat  Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik 2009 (Skripsi S1)

Titre de la thèse : The Cardinal’s Social Program: The Indonesian Catholic Church, Islam and the Anti-communist Movement (1969 – 1981)

Gloria Truly Estrelita (disertasi yang sedang dikerjakan)

Résumé :

This research is an attempt to understand the religio-political issues in Indonesia. Under the dictatorship of Suharto, the religious institutions played an important role in the anti-communism  program in Indonesian correctional institutions. The study focuses primarily on a monographic approach to the Indonesian Catholic Church’s program for political prisoners accused of communism called ”the Cardinal’s Social Program”. Through a triple prism, the study of the Cardinal’s Social Program allows us to look at Indonesian contemporary History. We first explore the question of the differing attitudes within the Indonesian Catholic Church towards the coup attempt in 1965. Then, we examine how the Cardinal’s Social Program opened up the conversion to catholicism which took place after 1965 in the territories that used to be considered Muslim. Finally, the question of the normalisation of the relation between the Indonesian Catholic Church and the new regime is addressed. Using archives, documents and oral sources, this research examines the Catholic Church’s attitude, whether it supported human rights as is mentioned in Vatican II or was a way to gain political power.

sumber : http://case.ehess.fr/

Gloria Truly Estrelita bersama kawan-kawan lainnya menjadi inisiator, pengelola, host Warisan Ingatan

Warisan Ingatan is a series of webinars initiated by several artists, scholars, and people from civil society who concern about Indonesian history. Warisan Ingatan attempts to present alternative narratives of the events of 1965. Memory is part of the human experience of time and may be defined as how one makes sense of the past in the present. Memory is also an important aspect of social construction, production, and daily performance. Through research, discussions, and spontaneous expression, Warisan Ingatan opens a space to recollect past experiences and discuss them. The webinars generally gather more than a hundred attendants and show a strong interest in the issues we discuss among elders as well as the younger generation.

Podcast Seri Warisan Ingatan *serangkaian wawancara yang menyajikan narasi alternatif ‘Peristiwa 1965’ di Indonesia

Podcast Seri Warisan Ingatan *serangkaian wawancara yang menyajikan narasi alternatif ‘Peristiwa 1965’ di Indonesia

Seri Kompilasi Kajian Ilmiah Genosida 1965-1966 

Asvi Warman Adam,Baskara T. WardayaAriel Heryanto,Robert CribbAnnie PohlmanJohn RoosaSaksia WieringaKatharine McGregorPeter Dale ScottBenedict AndersonVannessa HearmanJess MelvinNoam ChomskyBradley Simpson, Geoffrey RobinsonGreg PoulgrainAlex de JongAndre VltchekTaomo Zhou Soe Tjen Marching, Peter Kasenda, Aiko Kurasawa,Vijay Prashad,Akihisa Matsuno , Ruth Indiah RahayuNathaniel MehrAdam Hughes Henry Henri Chambert-Loir, Wim F.Wertheim, Steven FarramSri Lestari Wahyuningroem , Joss WibisonoLeslie Dwyer – Degung Santikarma, Vincent Bevins,Wijaya Herlambang, Budiawan, Ong Hok HamRex Mortimer, Olle Törnquist, Max Lane, Hilmar Farid , Michael G. Vann Gerry van KlinkenGrace Leksana, Ken SetiawanAyu RatihYosef DjakababaAan Anshori, Muhammad Al-Fayyadl, Roy MurtadhoDeirdre Griswold , David T. HillYoseph Yapi Taum, Aboeprijadi Santoso,  Adrian Vickers, John Gittings, Jemma PurdeyHenk Schulte NordholtMartijn EickhoffMade SurpriatmaDahlia Gratia Setiyawan, Uğur Ümit Üngör, Manunggal Kusuma WardayaGloria Truly EstrelitaWulan DirgantoroKar Yen LeongWulan DirgantoroMuhidin M. DahlanDhianita Kusuma PertiwiElsa ClavéJustin L. WejakDouglas KammenMartin Suryajaya, Chris WibisanaSatriono Priyo Utomo

simak 1600 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966

Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)

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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)


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