The Indonesian Massacres, 1965-1966: Image and Reality – Kompilasi Kajian / Artikel John Gittings, Salah Satu Hakim Pengadilan Rakyat 1965 (IPT 1965)

John Gittings adalah salah satu hakim dalam Pengadilan Rakyat 1965 (IPT 1965)  di Den Haag. Bersama hakim Helen Jarvis ia menyiapkan laporan akhir sidang IPT 1965

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Tentang CV lengkap dan Bibliografi Studi, Kajian Artikel John Gittings


FINAL REPORT OF THE IPT 1965 Findings and Documents of the International People’s Tribunal on Crimes against Humanity Indonesia 1965

John Gittings , Helen Jarvis 


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Kompilasi / Jurnal Sidang Rakyat Internasional – International People’s Tribunal 1965

Artikel-artikel John Gittings

The Indonesian Massacres, 1965-1966: Image and Reality

It is now half a century since the mass killings of 1965-66 in Indonesia, and the multiple human rights abuses which persisted over the next decade and more. Attention has been revived towards what could for a long time be described as a “black hole of history”. In Indonesia survivors and their families, human rights organizations, lawyers and academics have called for an end to the impunity which for so long has been enjoyed by the perpetrators. There are calls too for the government to act on the damning report on these events which was delivered to the Attorney-General in 2012 by the National Commission on Human Rights Komnas HAM. Two powerful films by the American film-makers Joshua Oppenheimer have attracted widespread attention in Indonesia (in spite of numerous attempts by right-wing groups to block their showing) and abroad. And in November 2015 an International People’s Tribunal (IPT 1965) convened in The Hague to hear compelling evidence of the killings — in which at least 400,000 civilians died — and other human rights abuses. (I am a member of the panel of judges, which will deliver its findings later in 2016). It seems relevant therefore to post this paper which I wrote for Mark Levene & Penny Roberts, eds., The Massacre in History (1999) on a dark period of modern history which still remains to be fully explored and exposed.


the Guardian 1990

In 1990 The Guardian sent me to Indonesia to write an investigative feature on the 25th anniversary of the massacres of 1965-66: no other media were much interested in the subject then and knowledge of the appalling story was mostly confined to academic research. I am reproducing my report here because I think it shows how much could be learnt about those events even under Suharto’s dictatorship. We should bear in mind that today attempts in Indonesia to discuss the past are still threatened by militia and blocked by police

Suharto (Orbituary)

Indonesian dictator whose 30-year rule was built on ruthless repression, cronyism and manipulation of the world’s rival superpowers

The Guardian 2008


Sekilas Buku John Gittings The Glorious Art of Peace

Seri Kompilasi Kajian Ilmiah Genosida 1965-1966 

Asvi Warman Adam,Baskara T. WardayaAriel Heryanto,Robert CribbAnnie PohlmanJohn RoosaSaksia WieringaKatharine McGregorPeter Dale ScottBenedict AndersonVannessa HearmanJess MelvinNoam ChomskyBradley Simpson, Geoffrey RobinsonGreg PoulgrainAlex de JongAndre VltchekTaomo Zhou Soe Tjen Marching, Peter Kasenda, Aiko Kurasawa,Vijay Prashad,Akihisa Matsuno  , Ruth Indiah RahayuNathaniel MehrAdam Hughes Henry Henri Chambert-Loir, Wim F.Wertheim, Steven FarramSri Lestari Wahyuningroem , Joss WibisonoLeslie Dwyer – Degung Santikarma, Vincent Bevins,Wijaya Herlambang, Budiawan, Ong Hok HamRex Mortimer, Olle Törnquist, Max Lane, Hilmar Farid , Michael G. Vann Gerry van KlinkenGrace Leksana, Ken SetiawanAyu RatihYosef DjakababaAan Anshori, Muhammad Al-Fayyadl, Roy MurtadhoDeirdre Griswold , David T. HillYoseph Yapi Taum, Aboeprijadi Santoso,  Adrian Vickers, John Gittings, Jemma PurdeyHenk Schulte NordholtMartijn EickhoffMade SurpriatmaDahlia Gratia Setiyawan, Uğur Ümit Üngör, Manunggal Kusuma WardayaGloria Truly EstrelitaWulan DirgantoroKar Yen LeongWulan DirgantoroMuhidin M. DahlanDhianita Kusuma PertiwiElsa ClavéJustin L. WejakDouglas KammenMartin Suryajaya, Chris WibisanaSatriono Priyo Utomo

1600 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966

Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)


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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)

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