Kompilasi Tinjauan Buku / Resensi Riwayat Terkubur : Kekerasan Antikomunis 1965-1966 di Indonesia – John Roosa /”Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965-1966 in Indonesia”


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JSEALab Launch of John Roosa’s _Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965-1966 in Indonesia_



Dr. John Roosa Wins Association of Asian Studies’ Kahin Prize 


Podcast New Books in History : John Roosa, “Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965-1966 in Indonesia” (U Wisconsin Press, 2020) 






1965: Sejarah yang Dikubur – Dialog Sejarah | HISTORIA.ID

Some Methodological Notes on Writing about the Massacres of 1965-66 in Indonesia – Harvard University Asia Center

John Roosa, University of British Columbia Respondent: Elsa Clavé, University of Hamburg

In this talk, Roosa discusses how and why he wrote the book Buried Histories. It is a book that follows the principle that in any story of an atrocity, one needs to include the stories of those who tried to prevent it from happening, those who tried to stop it once it began, those who tended to the welfare of the survivors afterward, and those who found ways to honor the dead. The book is more than a ‘who did what to whom’ kind of analysis of the atrocity itself. It is meant to be a funerary ceremony in textual form, where there is a concern for recognizing the dignity of the victims, recapturing the ideals for which they stood before being murdered, and conveying the tragedy of the inexcusable loss of life. This is a history book written with an attentiveness to affect, a book in which the deaths of a demonized demographic can be felt as grievable.

review / tinjauan buku

Subijanto, R. (2021). Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965–1966 in Indonesia, by John Roosa, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en

dalam bahasa Indonesia

Buried Histories: Penciptaan dan Pemeliharaan Infrastruktur Teror sejak Peristiwa 1965

MELALUI studi yang cermat dan argumentasi yang meyakinkan, buku John Roosa menyajikan sejarah pembantaian antikomunis di Indonesia 1965–1966 untuk pertama kalinya dari dekat. Melalui narasi personal, Roosa memaparkan secara rinci berbagai pengalaman dari kisah-kisah kecil, lalu merangkainya untuk membantu kita memahami peristiwa ini sebagai contoh genosida atau kekejaman massal terhadap warga sipil. Beberapa peneliti sebelumnya berusaha menjelaskan pembunuhan ratusan ribu orang yang diduga anggota komunis, simpatisan, beserta keluarga di Indonesia pada 1965–1966. Namun, sebagaimana dicatat Roosa, kebanyakan riset mereka menempatkan pembantaian sebagai sebuah narasi besar nan abstrak. Jarang sekali ditemukan pemaparan peristiwa sehari-hari. Dengan menggali detail pembantaian, Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965–1966 in Indonesia menyoroti salah satu tragedi paling mengerikan di abad ke-20.

The True Story of Indonesia’s US-Backed Anti-Communist Bloodbath BY MICHAEL G. VANN [jacobinmag]

The massacre of the Indonesian left in 1965–66, backed by Washington, was one of the great crimes of the twentieth century. A new generation of scholars has uncovered its long-suppressed history of slaughter of up to a million people in the name of anti-communism.

Buried histories 55 years on : A message to the nation – Aboeprijadi Santoso

Olle Törnquist (2021) Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965–1966 in Indonesia., Journal of Contemporary Asia

The 1965-66 Elimination of  Indonesian Communists: Two Recent Re-readings – Mary Somers Heidhues

Penghilangan Orang Pasca 30 September 1965, John Roosa: Sejarah Kelam Belum Usai – tempo.co

Kuburan Sejarah 1965

Resensi Burried Histories, Buku John Roosa tentang Aktor Penting Pembantaian PKI 1965-1966 oleh Imam Muhtarom

buku terbaru 26 Mei 2020

Buried Histories : Anticommunist Massacres of 1965-1966 in Indonesia


“In compelling prose and with heartbreaking intimacy, Roosa offers the most important collection of case studies of the Indonesian massacres ever published. This is an essential, masterful, and devastating book for anyone who cares about the history and mechanics of human evil.”—Joshua Oppenheimer, director of The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence

“This is a rigorous study graced with absorbing and poignant stories. Roosa presents the subjectivity of the perpetrators, bystanders, resisters, and victims with a rare sense of subtlety. Attentive to the contingencies of history, he shows how nothing was inevitable in the tragic muteness of countless disappearances.”—Karlina Supelli, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta

“Roosa portrays a tense political environment that gave no real hint of the killing that was to follow. This book represents a major breakthrough in presenting the killings in their immediate context and in the richness of its oral history data.”Robert Cribb, Australian National University

Artikel-artikel dan Kajian Ilmiah John Roosa Tentang Genosida 1965-1966 



Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Suharto


simak 1800 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966

Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)

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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)

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