Situs Genosida ’65 Bali : Suara Senyap Ladang Hitam Pembantaian

Awan Hitam di Langit Bali – Metro File

Khususnya halaman 241-260 The Mass Killing in Bali – Robert Cribb & Soe Hok Gie 
40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy
Mulai menit 1.17 – 4.01 ksesaksian Degung Santikarma serta Made dari Bali
Indonesians demand truth is told on massacre

Pulangkan Mereka! Merangkai Ingatan Penghilangan Paksa Di Indonesia

bab 1 bagian 7
Ngaben Tanpa Tubuh : Tragedi ’65 dan Pariwisata Bali
MASEAN’S MESSAGES – Masean Jembrana
narasi taman
(Kontestasi dan Gugatan Politik Ingatan Kekerasan Pembantaian Massal 1965-1966 di Bali )
(Kekerasan, Monumen, dan Ingatan)
“Bali, for example, was one of the provinces worst afflicted by the mass killings in the wake of the violent anti-Communist purge of 1965–1966, which marked the collapse of the Sukarno government and Suharto’s rise to power (see Darma Putra, this volume). In the present crisis, however, the idiom of social conflict is no longer one of competing political ideologies so much as an idiom of religious and ethnic difference. At the same time, however, the trauma of the 1965–1966 killings (not only of Communists but also of other ‘undesirables’, as defined by Bali’s internal and local politics), which was a taboo topic in the Suharto years, features very prominently in current public debates. In part, this may reflect the fact that some of the underlying economic inequalities and related class issues in Balinese society, which had surfaced at that time, were never resolved and are resurfacing today.” (THOMAS A.REUTER dalam bagian Pendahuluan Buku)
Bagian paling relevan dari sisis waktu adalah Bab 4 Reflections on literature and politics in Bali: the development of Lekra, 1950–1966 oleh I NYOMAN DARMA PUTRA, namun semua bab lain juga terkait dengan problem historis, struktural dan kultural dari peristiwa 1965-66.
 simak inisiatif segar dari teman muda Bali dan para seniman

Prison Songs (Nyanyian Yang Dibungkam) Membangun Jembatan Sejarah #1965

simak 1700 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966


Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)



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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)
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