Operasi Trisula: Pembantaian atas Anggota dan Simpatisan PKI di Blitar Selatan / Genosida 1965-1966

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Situs-situs Genosida Jawa – Bali 1965-1966 : Ziarah Dari Kota ke Kota, Desa ke Desa, Luweng ke Luweng, Kuburan Massal ke Kuburan Massal…..

Situs-situs Genosida 1965-1966 : Aceh, Sumut, Riau, Sumbar, Sumsel, Jakarta, Jateng, Jatim, Bali, Kalsel, Kaltim, Kalbar, NTT, Sulsel, Sulteng, Sultra….. ** 


Menggugat Kejahatan dan Narasi Sejarah Resmi ‘Negara’/Narasi Militer diantaranya bisa kita saksikan melalui film Operasi Trisula : Penumpasan Sisa-sisa PKI di Blitar Selatan 

*judul diambil dari dokumen investigasi dan kajian Kontras MENYUSUN PUZZLE PELANGGARAN HAM 65 : BLITAR DAN BUTON


Ilustrasi dari seri karya studi Rista Dwi I (sila klik selengkapnya di) ‘Jejak Merah di Blitar Selatan’  

simak serial lainnya  

Situs-situs Genosida 1965-1966 : Aceh, Sumut, Riau, Sumbar,  Sumsel, Jakarta, Jateng, Jatim, Bali, Kalsel, Kaltim, Kalbar, NTT, Sulsel, Sulteng, Sultra….. **






Perjuangan Bersenjata PKI di Blitar Selatan dan Operasi Militer – Andre Liem dalam Tahun yang Tak Pernah Berakhir: Memahami Pengalaman Korban 65 – esai-esai sejarah lisan (Ed. Ayu Ratih, Hilmar Farid dkk) hal 163-200

 simak juga ringkasan arsip suara blitar

Pulangkan Mereka! Merangkai Ingatan Penghilangan Paksa Di Indonesia

bab 1 bagian 4
Pembersihan PKI di Blitar


Berdasarkan keterangan korban dan bukti-bukti tentang keberadaan kuburan massal, selama berlangsungnya Operasi Trisula di Blitar Selatan sampai dengan beberapa tahun pascaoperasi telah terjadi beberapa tindak pelanggaran dan kejahatan HAM yang luar biasa. Beberapa tindak pelanggaran dan kejahatan HAM tersebut adalah pembunuhan, penyiksaan, pemerkosaan dan kekerasan seksual, penculikan, pengusiran paksa, penangkapan dan penahanan sewenang-wenang, pemenjaraan tanpa proses peradilan, perampasan hak milik, kerja paksa, penghilangan hak politik (tidak memiliki hak memilih dan dipilih dalam Pemilu).

Selama berlangsungnya Operasi Trisula, sebagian besar korban yang jatuh ternyata bukan berasal dari anggota PKI tetapi justru dari masyarakat biasa. Hal ini terjadi karena TNI menganggap semua orang yang tinggal di wilayah Blitar Selatan adalah simpatisan dan anggota PKI.




 4 artikel ilmiah Vanessa Hearman :

Since the end of the Suharto New Order regime and Indonesia’s transition to democracy in 1998, the country has struggled to address past serious human rights violations, in particular the
1965–66 anti-communist violence. Half a million members and sympathizers of the Indonesian Communist Party (Partai Komunis Indonesia, PKI) and its mass organizations were killed and
hundreds of thousands were detained, most without trial. Although these individuals seem to have the clearest claims to victimhood, they still cannot easily gain such recognition, facing opposition from the military and representatives of civilian organizations implicated in the violence. The contested nature of the status of victim, and in particular how to accommodate claims from those who were less central to the experience of political persecution but who nonetheless suffered as part of the government and military’s anti-communist strategy, is the subject of this article. Drawing on scholarly literature on victims, victimhood and collective memory, I analyse a case study of a group of villagers in south Blitar, East Java and how their being implicated in providing support for leftist fugitives in that area in 1966–68 has influenced how they are perceived by society. Representations of this group of villagers by the military and government have resulted in the rise of a collective victimhoodacross generations, but a victimhood that nonetheless remains
striated by victim hierarchies and difficulties in identifying as victim. As a result of these factors, this complex victim group has, by and large, been excluded by mainstream transitional justice
processes, except for limited efforts by two small non-government organizations in the local area, discussed in this article. The resurgence of anti-communism since the election of President Joko Widodo, however, creates new difficulties for the victims and these organizations

Hunted communists – Vannessa Hearman [Jurnal Inside Indonesia]

The essay provides an account of the South Blitar episode in Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) history, during which alleged members of the PKI hid from the military in South Blitar, where they were later pursued, and sometimes captured or killed, in a counterinsurgency operation by the Army and paramilitary forces. The paper relies on a combination of interviews, contemporary military documents, court records, and other sources to study this episode. It demonstrates how the Suharto-era narrative of these events continues to politicize the historical accounts of both the insurgency and the military response, and how this politicized narrative has shaped the impressions and memories of former political prisoners and heightened social divisions within this group. (abstract) selengkapnya

Guerrillas, Guns, and Knives? Debating Insurgency in South Blitar, East Java, 1967–68 – Vannessa Hearman


In the transition to Suharto’s New Order regime in the province of East Java, fugitives from the political Left, members and sympathizers of the Indonesian Communist Party (Partai Komunis Indonesia, PKI), came to the south of the province to set up a rural base from 1967 to regroup and resist the military-dominated regime. The military responded by mounting a counterinsurgency operation, the Trisula Operation, in 1968, against what they alleged were underground guerrillas in the area. Using food as a lens, this article traces the effects of counterinsurgency operations on food cultivation and consumption patterns in 82 Vannessa Hearman South Blitar, East Java. Changes to food cultivation and land use as a result of the operation coincided with shifts in thinking under the New Order regime in relation to food and local economy, despite both sides of the conflict agreeing on the desirability of modernization and development for the area. Food consumption and production therefore became a site of struggle for legitimacy and a mirror showing the shifts in power in East Java during the early New Order period. (abstract). selengkapnya

Sweet Potato Dreaming: Development, Displacement and Food Crisis East Java, 1968 – Vannessa Hearman


[Book Review] ‘Unmarked Graves’ : The injustice that won’t die 


Buku ’65 yang Terbit pada 2018
Operasi Trisula Digelar TNI untuk Bangkitkan Sentimen Anti-Komunis – tirto

Buku terbaru Vannessa Hearman menuturkan bagaimana ketakutan terhadap komunisme kembali dihidupkan pada 1968, setelah PKI dibubarkan.



Anak ‘algojo PKI’ dan eks-tapol 1965: Hapus dendam dengan rekonsiliasi – BBC News Indonesia

Kisah anak algojo PKI di Blitar selatan yang mendampingi penyintas kasus 1965: ‘Saya minta maaf’- BBC Indonesia

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Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)


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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)
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